policiesOur Play Nice Policy
Our staff are trained to keep a watchful eye, monitoring the dogs in our care, looking for inappropriate behavior and unbalanced play. Even our friends that visit frequently are closely monitored as dogs often change as they age, mature, experiment and experience new things. We will discourage excessive barking, excessive mounting (humping), unsolicited rough play, toy or food possession, guarding and bullying other dogs to name a few behaviours. We work with offending dogs to redirect undesirable actions and will always take caution by removing the offending dog from the group when necessary. We will communicate any issues that may arise and work with you to improve unwanted behaviours. Age Eligibility Puppies are welcome to join the playcare fun two weeks after completing their second series of DHPP (Distemper/Hepatitis/Parvovirosis/Parainfluenza) vaccinations which are usually given at 12 weeks of age and Bordatella (for Canine Cough). Puppies 16 weeks of age or older require a Rabies vaccination. For kittens, they can be boarded at Park9 Pearson YYZ two weeks after completing their second series of FVRCP vaccinations. Kittens 12 weeks of age or older require a Rabies vaccination. Meet & Greet Assessment All dogs must complete a meet & greet assessment prior to using our boarding and playcare services for the first time. This determines if we are the right fit for your dog. These assessments are valid for 60 days. If your dog has not visited us within the 60 days, we may ask for a reassessment and a charge of $22 will apply for this reassessment. Spay / Neuter Dogs and cats seven months of age or older MUST be spayed or neutered prior to joining playcare or boarding. Sociability All dogs must be comfortably social with other dogs and humans. That is something we check during our assessment process. Vaccinations (Dogs) Dogs must be free of fleas and ticks and on a veterinarian approved flea prevention program from June through November. All dogs must be up to date with their vaccinations. These vaccinations include Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parvovirus, Bordetella and Rabies for dogs. Guardians are required to provide veterinarian certification. Proof of titers are accepted in lieu of above vaccinations. Please allow a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours to pass between giving your dog these vaccinations and using our services. If at any time your dog/cat is found to have fleas or ticks, we will provide the appropriate flea or tick removal treatment at your expense. Vaccinations (Cats) Cats must be up to date with their core vaccinations. These vaccinations include protection against feline viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia (collectively “FVRCP”) and rabies. All kittens must have proof of 2 doses of FVRCP vaccinations, given at least 3-4 weeks apart, with the last dose given no less than 7-10 days prior to boarding. All kittens older than 12 weeks of age must also have proof of a rabies vaccination. Guardians are required to provide veterinarian certification. Please allow a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours to pass between giving your cat these vaccinations and using our services. Outdoor cats are required to be on a veternarian recognized flea and tick medication to board. Behaviour All dogs must be non-aggressive. Guardians will need to certify that their dog(s) have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog(s). Please remember that your dog will be spending time with other dogs and that their safety and health is our main concern. Drop Off For everyone’s safety, dogs must be brought in on leash and wear a collar. Cats must be brought in a carrier. Reservations, Deposits and Cancellation Reservations are accepted subject to the terms of our Care Agreement but not guaranteed without verification of Park9 requirements. A 50% deposit (using a major credit card) is required at the time the reservation is made. Park9 reserves the right to determine an appropriate deposit based on the length of the reserved stay. Reservations cancelled with less than 48 hours’ notice of the reservation are subject to a cancellation charge (during the Christmas peak period, this notice is 7 days). This cancellation charge will equal the deposit amount. Waiting lists are common throughout all major holidays and we encourage booking early. Grooming appointments require a $50 deposit to confirm your appointment. Cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will result in a cancellation charge equal to the deposit amount. Playcare space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Playcare reservations are suggested, so please courtesy call 24 hours in advance. This ensures we have the right number of attendants on hand to give your dog the level of supervision and attention they deserve. Feeding For our overnight guests we request you bring your dog or cat’s regular food to avoid causing possible digestive issues (diarrhea, upset stomach, etc.). Please separate each meal in a zip-top bag clearly-marked with your dog’s name and any special feeding instructions (i.e. add water, etc.). Take the same approach for canned, raw or packaged meals. Please add an extra food bag for your dog/cat during their stay just in case you are delayed in picking up your dog/cat. This will ensure your dog/cat will have enough food while they are here and give peace of mind knowing every meal is properly prepared and the serving amount correct. Health The health of our four-legged clients is of paramount importance to us. Therefore, dogs and cats must be free of any condition that could potentially jeopardize the health of other animals in our facilities. Any dog or cat that has been ill with a communicable condition will require a veterinarian certificate of good health prior to an overnight booking confirmation and joining (or rejoining) a playcare room. While we may accept certain dogs and cats that require routine medication for chronic conditions, we are not equipped to care for acutely sick animals. Medication We are happy to give medication, but require a Medication Form to be completed each time your dog/cat stays with us. All medication must be in its original container. Please note that while Park9 will administer the medications as instructed by you and required by your dog or cat, we do not suggest that our staff has been specifically trained to treat your dog/cat’s medical condition. We do not accept dogs or cats that require medical treatment beyond the dispensing of medication (i.e. drains, bandage changes, suture removal, etc.). Personal Items Please do not bring personal items or toys with your dog/cat that are valuable or irreplaceable. Park9 is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal item or toy. Safety Park9 promotes a very social, healthy and safe environment. Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse admittance to any dog or cat that does not meet our health and behavior requirements. While in playcare, dogs are expected to obtain a certain degree of “playcare etiquette” and Park9 attendants will enforce certain rules (no excessive barking, no jumping, no fighting, etc.) with a kind but firm demeanor. Among other things, “time-out” may be used to modify bad behavior and give dogs a chance to calm down. Calming bands or slip leads may be used to control excessive barking when verbal commands and time outs are ineffective. Other consequences such as suspension or expulsion may be necessary if bad behavior persists. Special Needs & Medical Care Park9 recognizes that some of our guests may have special needs. Clients must identify any special requirements with us when making a reservation, including but not limited to: medications, supplements, special meal preparation, extra feeding times, daily brushing, puppy care, and senior care (additional charges may apply). |